Thursday, November 12, 2009

Last update for the year, maybe

Lots going on, again, none of it REI related, but I figured I'd update anyway.

First and foremost, this will probably be the last blog entry of the year. I will be selling toys on Amazon for the holiday season this year, with the goal of having enough saved up for EMD money, things that need to get done around the house, etc. This is very time consuming, so my REI activity will be put on hold until the new year. While I'm disappointed that I didn't get my REI work in gear for 2009, the bright side is that selling on Amazon should (and WILL - have to have more confidence) net me roughly what I could have gotten from a wholesale deal.

And shhh....don't tell my family this, but I have decided that with the proceeds I get from my toy selling season I am going to hire a professional organizer to help me get this house in order. I am tired of spinning my wheels constantly in trying to get some sort of organization going, so I think it will help to outsource this to a professional. LOL I am confident that it will be money well spent.

So there you have it. I'm thankful for those who have followed my journey so far - let's make 2010 an absolutely rockin', kickin' year!!!!!


  1. Ingrid, girl, I am SO with you on the professional organizer. My hubby & I just decided 2 weeks ago that we were going to hire one as well. Now I just need to stop procrastinating and call the woman!

  2. Hey Ingrid,
    I am there with you about putting the REI on hold. It's best to step back, take stock and get things together. I pray for you success with the Amazon selling and the home organizer( I need one too! LOL). I also will look forward to the new year with you and our REI adventure. Don't be a stranger, update us once in awhile on here or Facebook!
    Sincerely in Christ,
    Leesa C.

  3. Ingrid,
    I know you will feel so much better once you are organized. It seems that has been a roadblock emotionally and physically. Lucky you!

  4. Enjoy your holiday season, Ingrid.

    Hope to see you back posting in 2010 and ready to kick some butt!

    Steph :)

  5. Shae, Leesa, Kelly and Steph! I'm late posting, but just wanted to thank you for the nice comments. :) I know we all can make 2010 a kickin' year. God Bless!
