Thursday, September 3, 2009

Drum roll, please!

I just emailed Kelly about this, and thought I would share it on the blog, so everyone can get their laugh this morning.

I finally sat down to call the local board of Realtors about having unlicensed MLS access as an assistant. I dreaded this call all morning. It's kind of ironic - I spent 3 years talking to strangers for 8 hours a day (I used to work for ADT as a customer service rep), but now I have a panic attack calling strangers.

So I bite the bullet, make the call and............

Drum roll, please!!!!

The local board of realtors does not have a provision for unlicensed assistants to have their own access to the MLS. She said I would need to access it through the agents login.


I guess in Spartanburg, we do things a little differently. After all, we were the only library system in the COUNTRY that didn't allow for books to be renewed. I'm not kidding. Thankfully they revised that policy a couple of years ago, though.

So anyway, I guess it's back to the drawing board for me, and I'll figure out this MLS access stuff when I get set up with an agent.


  1. No big deal, Ingrid. You'll find an agent that will give you the access. The only thing is that you'll have to share it and only one person can be on at a time. So the arrangement I have is that I'll primarily use it in the evenings while she uses it during the day. Go find that investor friendly agent via Craigslist or your local REIA!

  2. Just wondering why don't you get your own license. I am getting my license in couple of weeks just to get access to the MLS.

  3. Hi Shae, Ed!

    I did get one call so far from my ad. I haven't called him back yet, will probably do it tomorrow. Judging from his message, my guess is that he's a new agent, so maybe that's a good thing.

    I would actually love to get my license, but the lack of $$ to pay for a RE licensing course is holding me back. That and a lack of child care, since the classes start after DH gets off of work. Might be able to work around it though in the future, since I just found a class at the local community college are on Mon & Weds....still have to save up the $420 to take the course though...
