So where does REI play into all of this? I really don't know. I'm going to be taking a break from my Women's Focus Group of my local REIA for the summer, since I have no real child care options. I think I'm going to just focus on getting the business plan finalized and start looking at the REOs. A couple of REOs have had some price cuts, so I think the banks are getting desperate.
Anyway, not much going on. I think the biggest goal right now is to get a summer daily schedule planned out so I'm not overwhelmed with what I need to do on the domestic homefront.
Also, I am DONE with Ebay. OMG, I cannot believe the difference between what I THOUGHT I made, and what I REALLY made. Somehow I never really realized how much Ebay and paypal take out, but after I ran my numbers through an online Ebay fee calculator I was STUNNED!
REI will be a much more profitable gig. :)
What is this? The week of struggling? First me (see blog), then Eileen, and now you? We'll all get it together! Good luck getting a daily schedule (sanity preserver!) locked down.