Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Struggling with direction

Haven't posted in a while, as I have been out of sorts lately. Two of my kids are out of school and my oldest has his last day tomorrow, so they will all be home for summer vacation until August. I am going to be working with my son (my oldest of the 3) over the summer to develop better study skills and I hope to teach the 4 year old (my youngest) to read, and also work with the 6 year old (my middle child) on her reading skills, too. The 6 year old is actually pretty advanced with her reading, but needs help with comprehension.

So where does REI play into all of this? I really don't know. I'm going to be taking a break from my Women's Focus Group of my local REIA for the summer, since I have no real child care options.  I think I'm going to just focus on getting the business plan finalized and start looking at the REOs. A couple of REOs have had some price cuts, so I think the banks are getting desperate.

Anyway, not much going on. I think the biggest goal right now is to get a summer daily schedule planned out so I'm not overwhelmed with what I need to do on the domestic homefront. 

Also, I am DONE with Ebay. OMG, I cannot believe the difference between what I THOUGHT I made, and what I REALLY made.  Somehow I never really realized how much Ebay and paypal take out, but after I ran my numbers through an online Ebay fee calculator I was STUNNED!

REI will be a much more profitable gig. :)

1 comment:

  1. What is this? The week of struggling? First me (see blog), then Eileen, and now you? We'll all get it together! Good luck getting a daily schedule (sanity preserver!) locked down.
