Monday, May 4, 2009


UPDATE: The REO is under contract. Less than 2 days on the market. Wow. DH is disappointed, but at least now I can hopefully convince him that we need to get the debt taken care of.

Life has been extremely frustrating for me lately. DH is driving me crazy.

For example:

DH got a lead for an REO that he was interesting in checking out. I thought, great! Well, turns out, DH is not interested in this for investing, he wants this for us. Then I thought.....great.....sigh.

See, the problem is, we are BROKE!!!!! Hello??? Do other people in my household not realize this reality??? I DO NOT WANT TO BE BROKE. I WANT TO GET OUT OF DEBT. I WANT SOME $$$ IN THE FLIPPING BANK SO I DON'T HAVE TO PANIC IF I NEED TO GO TO THE DOCTOR, or GASP!!!! GET THE KIDS CLOTHING AND NEW SHOES. (Sorry to YELL, but I had to get this out.)

As much as I would like to have this house, and trust me, if there was a legitimate way for me to get it, I would be all over it, because it would be great for us as a family. More room, great storage.....but it would put our payments over where we are now, and I am not comfortable with that.

So now I am the bad guy, and the downer in all of this. Whatever. There is a REALITY here and at some point certain individuals will have to get their head out of a certain area and get their act together.



  1. Hey Ingrid,
    Did DH read (or listened to) Dave's book yet?

  2. Hi Shae!

    Yep, he's read it, but I think he needs a refresher course. lol. He like the Town Hall for Hope event, so that helps. I think we need to sit down again and start making some family goals.

  3. Yep, that sounds like a really good plan! Write the vision and make it plain :-)
