Thursday, April 23, 2009

Follow up Friday (1 day early)

Actually, if you want to get technical about it, it's about 4 min. early, because I'm writing this at 11:56pm on Thursday. LOL

So I can honestly report that I have not done ANYTHING I set out to do this week. (sigh) So these items go back onto the Accountability Monday list:

Finish back sales tax returns
Have 100 items listed in Ebay store
Budget for flea market booth
Finish writing RE business plan

There is a bright side to all of this, though. One thing that I left off the list, which should have been on the list, was getting the porch cleaned off. This DID happen today (with help from the DH).

Also, as per my previous post, here are the main goals based on the DR (Dave Ramsey) tenets:

1. Take action - see above

2. Don't listen to loser talk - hang around at and keep reading my blogs that I'm following which are tremendously uplifting.

3. Give - call local ministry and see if they can use the abundance of toothpaste I have collected. Give to my church. Pack up box for my friend Jenn and send it to her Ebay trading assistant for her to sell.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, don't feel bad- I slacked off on my goals, too.

    It happens.

    Stay positive and keep your eye on the prize and you'll be fine.

    Have a great weekend,

    Steph :)
